Next: Final notes
Up: Conclusion
Previous: Conclusion
The current implementation of the vrouter is different from the original
specification provided by Professor Shinoda, However all the requested
functionalities of the vrouter are implemented and the liberty to have a
multiple independant networking stack was taken. The future improvements can
consist in optimising the program (memory allocation, and fastness ) by
rewriting some code and tuning the delays and timing intervals. It will be a
good idea also to improve the protocols implementation to better fit the
standard specification, indeed the VRIP for example does not implement yet the
VRIP entries expiration, in the other hand the IP protocol does not implement
packet fragmentation yet. Added to that we can also implement new functionalities
based on the multiple networking stack characteristic of the program.
Here is a list to summarize what could be done :
- Improve the protocols implementations ; VRIP entries expiration and
VIP packet fragmentation.
- Tune the internal definded delays uded for shceduling events and timing
entries, inorder to have optimized network bandwith usage and cpu consumption.
- A feature like multiple routing tables ( one per interface could be
implemented ).
- Implement different network layer protocol than IP and use the vrouter as
a bridging entity.
- Implement ICMP protocol to allow better network control and debugging.
- Implement the UDP transport layer.
Next: Final notes
Up: Conclusion
Previous: Conclusion
Last changed 2004-08-25.
Zrelli Saber. , Japan
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Shinoda-lab